MC9090 Ethernet docking and GPRS

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P Petr Selinger 3 years 9 months ago
6 6 0

1) 2pm / 07/01/092) 2 days3) MC9090K4) BSP435) Clarify Case #1903349We have received following issue report from our customer:***************************************************************************************One of our clients uses MC9000 for a delivery application. The application works with Wifi when the device is inside the warehouse and GPRS when the driver performs the delivery. There also are Ethernet docking stations with Idockit that are used for power supply and communication (as a relay for Wifi, or as a replacement for Wifi in some warehouses that are not equipped with Wifi).The client complains that frequently some of the devices stop working in GPRS. After investigation, it appears that on those devices, a connection named ''iDockItISP'' exists in the My ISP modem settings. This connexion prevents the device from using the good GPRS connections. Deleting it solves the problem, but only for a time, because it seems that this iDockIt connection can appear again, more or less randomly.We think that this connection is supposed to exist only when the device is cradled on an Ethernet dock, and disappear automatically when removed from the dock. In some case the connection doesn't disappear automatically, which causes the problem. We met the problem 2 or 3 times in our offices when performing tests, but it seems really random.Yet what is clear is that the ''iDockItISP'' connection that is present in MyISP on the devices that have the issue is created by iDockIt. So we would need technical information on the iDockIt software and in which conditions it is supposed to create and remove this kind of connection. This could give us clue on the cause of the problem, maybe on a way to simulate it.***************************************************************************************I saw SPR 15454 saying that ... the OS will not allow both GPRS and cradle connections to use the same port (The Internet) simultaneously. But in this case customer is not using it at the same time. Maybe there is just something not handled properly by iDockIt when the device is taken out of the cradle.Thanks for your help,Petr

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6 Replies

G George Dellaratta

Answer from Invision:
So iDockIt creates an iDockItISP or iDockItWork connection based on how the user has iDockIt configured (to connect to “The Internet” or “Work”, respectively.  This connection will appear in Connection Manager once the device connection has been established, and disappears when there’s a disconnection.

P Petr Selinger

Thanks a lot George. I will now send it to customer and ask them to find a way how to replicate the issue (not deleting iDockItISP entry after disconnection).

P Petr Selinger

Hi George, the customer is asking following: "We would need technical information on the iDockIt software and inwhich conditions it is supposed to create and remove this kind ofconnection."Are we able to provide it to customer?Thanks!Petr

G George Dellaratta

I'll send that question to Invision.

P Petr Selinger

Thanks George.

G George Dellaratta

Is there a question in there to be answered?

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