DataWedge 3.0 "Send as events"

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M Makoto Kubo 3 years 9 months ago
1 3 0

Hi, Does anyone know the specific information of "Send as events" checked and un-checked? Currently, I'm supporting the software developper who has the altenative Japanese input method software, and it can't work well with DataWedge 3.0... Thanks in advance, Makoto Kubo

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3 Replies

R Roman Woloszczuk

What happens is that when you use keyboard events, the keyboard events are translated by IME where as Windows messages are not.  So for non-English OS "Send as events" should by unchecked.

R Roman Woloszczuk

The "Send as Events" option allows you specify whether DataWedge sends keystrokes as keyboard events or as Windows messages, so when checked keystrokes are sent as keyboard events and when unchecked keystrokes are sent as Windows messages.

M Makoto Kubo

Hi,I understand that checked "send as events" means IIMCallback::SendCharEvents(), and unchecked means IIMCallback::SendVirtualKey(), is it correct?

By the way, which methods DataWedge3.0 access with the following interfaces?  I need this information because alternative Japanese input method can run with DataWedge 3.0 also.    IIMCallback::*    IInputMethod::*    IInputMethod2::*Thanks in adavance,Makoto Kubo

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