1) 3pm / 07/07/09
2) 2 days
3) MC95
4) WM6.1
5) Clarify Case #1912067
I would like to ask you for help with following issue. The device is MC95 and I understand it's still in Beta, but maybe you will be able see a mistake in the code snippet they've sent us... Thank you, Petr.
Summary: Sometimes the Connection Manager doesn’t connect to theGSM Network (RAS Call) -> CONNMGR_STATUS_CONNECTIONFAILED (0x21)
Afterthis happened, the devices is doesn’t try to establish an connection again.
Timewhen it occurred (cc_log.txt):
23.06.2009|15:40:29| udp2.datalink |I| Creating a connectionrequest. (Connection GUID: {A6483B11-43D6-45D1-B29B-9A3C44190E54})23.06.2009| 15:40:29| udp2.datalink |I| Connectionstatus: Waiting Connection (0x40)23.06.2009| 15:40:30|udp2.datalink |I| Connection status: Connection Failed(0x21)
Withinthe RIL-Log:
71695 TID:64c9d21a RilDrv: Error - data connections not allowed whileinitializing
How is it possible to send a connecting request to the ConnectionManager, while Modem/RIL is initializing and cancel the request for ever?
If Kratzer enables the modem manually and waits for some minutesand restarts their application to establish a connection via Connection Manageris works without any problems.
This is the code which Kratzer is using:
bool CcConnectionManager::ConnMgrConnect(){ int nchars;
TCHAR wEntryName[100]; ConnMgrConRefTypeEnum e = ConRefType_NAP; GUID guid; ZeroMemory(&guid, sizeof(GUID)); nchars = MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0,getCStructure()->rasentry, -1, wEntryName, sizeof(wEntryName)); if (nchars == 0) { CCTM_ERROR((m_cctm, "ConnMgrConnect: Converting phonebook entry namefailed: %d (%lu)", nchars, GetLastError())); return false; } HRESULT result = ConnMgrMapConRef(e, wEntryName, &guid); if (result != S_OK) { CCTM_ERROR((m_cctm, "Failed to resolve GUID for '%s'!(0x%08X)", getCStructure()->rasentry, result)); return false; } CONNMGR_CONNECTIONINFO connInfo; connInfo.cbSize = sizeof(CONNMGR_CONNECTIONINFO); connInfo.dwParams = CONNMGR_PARAM_GUIDDESTNET; connInfo.dwPriority = CONNMGR_PRIORITY_USERINTERACTIVE; connInfo.bExclusive = TRUE; connInfo.bDisabled = FALSE; connInfo.guidDestNet = guid; connInfo.hWnd = ccdevev_get_window(); connInfo.uMsg = m_msgId; OLECHAR szGuid[MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory(&szGuid, sizeof(szGuid)); int rc = StringFromGUID2(guid, (LPOLESTR)&szGuid,sizeof(szGuid)); if (!rc) CCTM_ERROR((m_cctm, "Failed to convert GUID to string! Buffer tosmall?!")); char buffer[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(buffer, "%S",szGuid); CCTM_INFO((m_cctm, "Creating a connection request.(Connection GUID: %s)", buffer)); result = ConnMgrEstablishConnection(&connInfo,&m_hConnection); if (result != S_OK) { CCTM_ERROR((m_cctm, "Failed to initiate establishing a connection!(0x%08X)", result)); m_hConnection = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return false; } return true;}
Thisfunction get the status asynchron:
HRESULT result = ConnMgrConnectionStatus(m_hConnection,&dwStatus);if (result!= S_OK){ CCTM_ERROR((m_cctm, "Failedto get connection status! (0x%08X)", result)); return;}CCTM_INFO((m_cctm, "Connection status: %s(0x%02X)", getPrintableConnectionStatus(dwStatus), dwStatus));
And reports the Error/Status 0x21.
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