Emulation's internal config files

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J Juan-Antonio Martinez 3 years 10 months ago
5 7 0

I have a customer that needs to programatically update telnet's config/host files with new ones. I guess these are: TERMCFG.BIN HOSTCFG.BIN S24CFG.DAT They tried to no avail (making sure telnet was not running when copying them). There are some different folders which contain those files. So my question is: Which are the right files and where are them? Terminals are MC3090 either with CE 5 or WM6 (they have both). Thanks!

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7 Replies

M Mark Mann

Hi JAM, I've not played with the new plugin for MSP but I have used the following files to manipulate the MC9090 WM or CE and WT4090 CE Host and Emulation setttings using the following files on Wavelinks 6.x.x and 7.1.x clients: CERTLIST.PEM, HOSTCFG.DAT, SSHAUTH.DAT, TERMCFG.BIN, S24CFG.DAT Basically if you pull-down the Wavelink Airbeam build then install to your pc all you need to do is setup the HOST and Emulation settings you want for the specific terminal.  If you navigate to the folder "C:\Program Files\Wavelink\TelnetCE\WT4000" you will see those files above get updated.  My customer then uses AirBeam or MSP to push these files out to their terminals.  Note: there is a base APF telent package that is sent down first to the device which is also in that folder.  If they make any kind of update to the host or emulation then they just capture those 5 files and send them down to the terminal.  NOTE: The tricky part is that these 5 files don't always go to the same directory folder on the terminals.  I've seen that the MC9090 whether WM or CE places these files to the  same folder "\Application\TE" while the WT4090 CE places these files to "\Application\Wavelink\TelnetCE".  So you may want to check your end device and confirm where those files are loaded if you load the default Wavelink airbeam application to customize the airbeam or msp package.  Hope this helps. Cheers, Mark

M Mario Di Pasquo

The feedback I got from Wavelink Engineering (the MSP add-in is supported by Wavelink and not by Motorola Support by the way) is that it is generic and can apply to any terminal that is comparable.  So CE 5.0 units are ok (9090 CE5 vs 3090), WM5 are ok (MC70 vs 9090WM5) and I guess WM6 units should also be compatible with each other. 

r roberto cottone

I've found that it safest to copy the files both to \application\te and \application\te\config. The config folder seems to get updated if you make any changes directly on the device, and it seems to override what's in \application\te.  As noted below, some devices for some reason use \application\wavelink instead of \application\te, so in those devices you would also copy to \application\wavelink\config. Once you copy the files here, do a cold boot and you should be good.

J Jeff Bean

The files should be placed in \Application\WaveLink\TelnetCE and \Program Files\WaveLink\TelnetCE Replace the existing config files with the ones that you have modified. Jeff Bean

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Thanks you all! They are using MSP 3.2, so this "add-in" Mario mentioned looks fine! Unfortunatelly, my customer is running MC3090 WM6.1, and Wavelink has only implemented (I checked on their site) this for CE 5.0. Yet, this is available for MC75. I suspect this would work on any WM6.X device, so I will give a try. What do you think?

M Mark Mann

Jam, There are several other files that you'll need to add in addition to the files you have already.  Add SSHAUTH.DAT & CertList.pem.  I noticed that all these files got updated anytime I made a host or emulation change.  Give it a try. Cheers, Mark Mann

M Mario Di Pasquo

Hi Jam, What version of Telnet are your MC3090 units using ?   Some Wavelink clients use the \APPLICATION\WAVELINK subfolders while others use the \APPLICATION\TE subfolder.    How are you delivering the files to the units ?    If MSP 3.x is involved, then Wavelink has an add-in to MSP that will allow you to configure the Telnet client in MSP and deliver the config settings using an MSP setting.  If you need help, please call (or e-mail) the Motorola Support Center at 1-800-653-5350 or emb.support@motorola.com

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