Vocera Badges and WiNG v3.3.X WLAN configuration

C Chris Frazee 3 years 10 months ago
2 1 0

Hello All,        Does anybody have any customers that are successfully running WiNG v3.3.x with Vocera B1000/B2000 Badges (802.11bg)? If so, can you please provide a configuration detailing how the WLAN and radios are configured? Customer has configured the WLAN/Radios per Vocera's recommendations per their documentation on their web site, but the devices are having issues when roaming. All other devices (e.g. laptops and MU's) are running fine, on different WLAN/VLAN's. If you have a configuration file, please forward to me via e-mail. Thanks. Chris Frazee

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1 Replies

a art gabriellini

Chris, We can talk off-line if needed, but I had worked a delayed VOWiFi roaming concern with Steve Evans of Vocera to Cisco WLC (case 1823229). Steve gave me the applied config to their WLC, which you can cross-reference for our switch. From an MU standpoint, once I was able to convince Steve to refrain from taking over IP management conctrol away from the MS stack in our MC70's, + add the 3-channel mask, everything went as planned (layer 2 roaming was optimized) until they asked for layer 3/subnet roaming capability, which requires IP Mobility setup on their WLC/Cisco WISM. We can talk more tomorrow if you like...

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