MC9090 TCM Help

// Expert user has replied.
G Glenn Sobel 3 years 10 months ago
4 4 0

1) Time/Date - 10:35 am 07/21/09

2) Response time 4 hour

3) Product MC9090

4) OS Version BSP35

5) Clarify Case #1929513 TA asks "Are there command line options for the build mode of TCM so that a customer can specify the tcm program, build mode and patch to the tcm script?"

1. is this for MC9090 CE50  bsp 35 ?

It would be for MC9060, MC9090, MC70, and MC5090 builds.  I think it’s the same exe for each device.

2. what command line options are you hoping to use?

Just to build.  Assume that the script was all built, but then an option to build partition, app, plat, and splash.

3. what functionality / goal are you trying to achieve ...

Microsoft fed Target some line about a new version control system have, and said that if a process like TCM could run in a command line, that this system could do version control for them….


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4 Replies

G Glenn Sobel

As per TA


The Microsoft tool would be able to automatically insert the names of the hex images into the command line build, and the names of the hex image would be the method for the version check process to happen.


Chris Sather

G Glenn Sobel

Thanks Herbert.. will send to TA .. can tell him to try it

D David Meyer

I don't believe that TCM has any command line documented for customer usage.  I am also unclear as to how this will help with version control. -Dave

H Herbert De Jong

see attached TCM command line PDF which was once recieved here from MSP team and the TCM 2.01 version needed to support Command line. maybe it helps

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