renaming folder in MC55

D Didi Garsadi Kartasasmita 3 years 10 months ago
2 1 0

Folks, I need your help if you've experience this case below : Our customer developed their own application in WM5.0 and installed in external storage, the folder name is Storage Card. Now they are interested with MC55 - O/S WM6 and the external storage use micro SD inserted to MC55 but the folder name is SD Card.  Is it possible to RENAME the folder from SD Card become Storage Card ? they won’t change the path of their application. We've tried to rename it but it did not work. Kindly advice if you have any solution. Regards, Didi

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1 Replies

s sateesh angadi

Under \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles \SDMemory\Folder Change the default value to the name you want. Soft-reset your unit. Sometimes the shortcuts might not work! Regards, Sateesh

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