Intelliflex and Motorola

H Harry Banias 3 years 10 months ago
14 1 0

Hi, Has anyone had anything to do with Intelliflex?A business partner brought them to our attention and are asking about the need is to use the XR450 or similar reader to communicate with the Intelleflex tags which are 902-928 MHz (North America); 865-868 MHz (Europe/India
Here is the Intelleflex web site  a news article on Motorola and Intelleflex.…

Apparently the Intelleflex protocols work with the Motorola reader range ,which is of interest to the partner. They have a people tracking need and would like to be able to use the Motorola hardware and the Intelleflex tags which give them much more range.

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1 Replies

M Mario Guillen

Harry,My understanding is that Motorola has worked cooperatively with Intelleflex and has a small investment in it.  Since Intelleflex tags use EPC protocol, they can be read by Motorola XR 4x0, RD 5000, and MC 9090-RFID readers, but at much greater distances than passive tags.The Chairman and CEO of Intelleflex is Rich Bravman, a former Vice Chairman and CEO of Symbol, and others on the Intelleflex management team are former Symbol associates, as well.In discussions with U.S. Military customers, Intelleflex tags have resonated since Savi products which they are currently using are quite expensive.Mario

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