SQL SA Password

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A Andrew Michael Robinson 3 years 10 months ago
2 1 0

Hi, I have installed V2.0 UCA and it asks for a SA password. I put in SQLisGreat01 and it complains as there are no !#* type characters. Is there a way around this? I have installed V2.0 UCA on another Win 2003 Server SP2 and the CA50's connect but when I scan the login barcode it returns "Invalid User."  Any ideas as to why this would be the case? I think I have the SQL confused. As well as myself! Regards, Andy

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1 Replies

S Shekar Muniven

Hi Andy,For the SA password, following validation is done:
Password should match the following criteria:

 - at least one alphabet [a-zA-Z] AND

 - at least one digit"  AND 

 - at east one special character";Note: Password should not contain  ‘space character’, sing quote (‘) or double quote (“) Regarding the Invalid user, this error shows up when the user is not configured in the system. Pls check in the UCA console -> "Device User Accounts" -> "All Users", if this user is configured. Pls let us know if you have any further questions. Thanks, Shekar

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