CE50 PC Connection Version

// Expert user has replied.
G Glenn Sobel 3 years 10 months ago
3 2 0

1) Time/Date - 10:00 am / 08/26/09

2) Response time 4 hour

3) Product - WT4090

4) OS Version BSP30

5) Clarify Case # 1954585 TA is asking if the PC Connection utility (to connect to ActiveSync) embedded in the CE50 Operating system (specifically WT4090 BSP30) as a version number. I believe no version exists. Can you confirm?

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2 Replies

G George Dellaratta

Yes, it is built into the OS.  The icon points to a control panel applet that essentially does all of its work through DLLs.  The Applet itself is not versioned, however the DLLs may be.  Which particular DLL is the customer interested in?

D David Meyer

That utility is built into the OS, so there is really no reason for the customer to need to know a version number.  As far as we are aware, there is no version number associated to that.

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