MC75 with pick by voice

A Andre Nahon 3 years 9 months ago
5 1 0

Hello , a Symbol Partner try to use the MC75 for pick by voice . He may use a cable headset with microphone and ask ... do we have any experience with that. What kind / brand  of cable headset would you prefer for the MC75? Many thanks BR  Andre

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1 Replies

M Marcus Kurath

We have skew numbers for the mic and headset, but it is a good idea to get a recommendation from the SW vendor. I know that VOXWARE (Motorola certified solution) sells a specialized headset with their solution which has 2 mic's in the headset for noise cancelling purposes. You should also be as careful as possible in selecting the Mobile computer since many of our products have 2.5MM audio jacks and when the plug rotates in the jack it creates static which some voice pick SW considers as erraneous voice commands. 2 Moto products with specialized hardware are the MC3100 (soon to be released) and there is a special model of the 9090K/S which has an alternate 2 wire pigtail connector for the headset to eliminate the rotation. You can contact Ragu Ram for additional detail on the device

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