MK4000 Issues - Demo Application

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A Arsen Bandurian 3 years 10 months ago
6 4 0

Team, I've got MK4900-WiFi-Laser SW version 01.30.0001 While trying to launch the demo app (PocketBrowser Demo) I get just "Scan Item" and slideshow, but the scanner isn't actually enables. If I run ScanSamp - scanner is working OK. I understand, that the demo was written for Imager model (while I have just the scanner). How do I tweak this demo app to work on scanner (at least in pricechecker/limited mode)???

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4 Replies

T Thomas Conticello

The SPB demo application provided on the MK4000 should work with both the imager and laser versions. Please send me the SPB21.html from the \Application\SymbolPB folder. Tom Conticello

A Arsen Bandurian

Tom, I'm speaking of the price-checker demo that also comes with MK4000 and in written for SPB (…) - not the SPB demo itself.

A Arsen Bandurian

I found out that either when using Demo (…) or plain tutorial script from PB help file (see below) - scanner isn't working. The mirror _starts_ moving, but there's no laser beam. I also found out, that this does not depend on Rastering mode (I tried all of RASTER_ options) and that this happens only when Aiming mode is set to AIM_TYPE_PRESENTATION - as soon as I remove this tag or change it to AIM_TYPE_anything else - laser starts working. Is it a bug or one should use another way to enable presentation mode on MK4000 with SE950-based laser scanner? I think, if mirror is moving and no error is displayed - it's a bug. Unfortunately, I have no MK500 laser to test it also. Could someone do this? The example code I used:

var Generic = new ActiveXObject("SymbolBrowser.Generic"); function doSoftScan() { Generic.InvokeMetaFunction('scanner', 'start'); } function doScan(data) { bcode.innerHTML = data; doSoftScan(); }

A Andy Doorty

Hi Arsen, This is the feedback from engineering: AIM_TYPE_PRESENTATION is only applicable to the imager versions of the MKs, for a laser device the application has to issue a soft trigger after a timeout or successful decode. Working on getting the demo to work with laser scanner. Andy

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