Tweak PB on MK4000

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A Arsen Bandurian 3 years 10 months ago
2 2 0

Hi, Team. I've got MK4900-WiFi-Laser SW version 01.30.0001 While trying to launch the demo app (PocketBrowser Demo) I get just "Scan Item" and slideshow, but the scanner isn't actually enabled. If I run ScanSamp - scanner is working OK. I understand, that the demo was written for Imager model (while I have just the laser). How do I tweak this demo app to work on scanner (at least in pricechecker/limited mode)??? I tried PB version 2.0 and 2.21. Any suggestions are welcome.

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2 Replies

S Sudhakar Murthy

Scanner could be enabled (If not enabled in the demo) via registry too as below. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Symbol\SymbolPB\Tags key If the Demo implementation is using Imager META Tags then enabling scanner might not do the purpose. Please refer to the PB help file for additional documentation in this regard (attached here for your quick reference). Would you share the demo script for better understanding?

A Arsen Bandurian

I tried two scripts, one is that MK4000 demo (…) The the other is from the help file:

var Generic = new ActiveXObject("SymbolBrowser.Generic"); function doSoftScan() { Generic.InvokeMetaFunction('scanner', 'start'); } function doScan(data) { bcode.innerHTML = data; doSoftScan(); }

None of them works. The interesting thing I noticed is that after "scanner = enabled" scanner mirror starts moving anyway - there's just no laser! I played with RASTER_ tags to no success. So I removed the AIM_TYPE_PRESENTATION tag - and things started working in both MK4000 demo and this script (of course, this means I should pull soft trigger every time, which makes demo look stupid). Is it a bug of there's some other way to set presentation mode for SE950-based scanner?

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