Upgrading to wm6.1 on 8000 units

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E Edward Michalsen 3 years 10 months ago
2 2 0

Hi, I need some feedback if you know of upgrade projects which used SD cards preloaded from the card manufactor with the upgrade files and the license file?

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2 Replies

R Raghunandan Nagaraja Rao

Hi Edward,  Our team was responsible to making Wm6.1 upgrade from WM5.0; Please refer to the link below in support central. Please see the upgradingMC709xv1.0.doc document in the link; It has detailed instructions for upgrading devices from WM5.0 to WM6.1, I am attaching the same. You can use MSP also for upgrading to WM6.1

E Edward Michalsen

Thank youRaghu, The upgrade process, as you point to, is working just fine and will b used justlike the document describes it. The question though, that the partner wouldlike Motorola to answer, is if we have other projects where the files and thelicense has been bundled together on SD cards from one of the SD card vendors -and their concern is that of the legal aspect of bundling it this way.


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