MC55 Cellular WAN connection with CHAP authentication

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A Andrea Sada 3 years 9 months ago
2 2 0

Hi Team Does anyone have a customer refference where they are using MC5574's on a Cell network with CHAP authentication. I am currently working on network certification for the MC55 on the MTN Cell network in South Africa. MTN are asking us to demonstrate that CHAP authentication works on the MC55. MTN are unable to set up CHAP on their APN's and are asking for an external refference. If you have a customer we can uyse as a refference it would be most appreciated. Regards

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2 Replies

H Herbert De Jong

Andrea,  dont have the references but i know that TA's in Germany succesfully tested PAP CHAP on MC5574.following is needed:MC5574 has Cinterion MC75 Release 4 module and the following is the case in regards with MS_ChapV1, PAP, CHAP.
PAP is set to default in the modem, and the OS

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\RIL] "SetGPRSAuthentication"=dword:00000001Force CHAP[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\RIL] "SetGPRSAuthentication"=dword:00000002

Set MS_ChapV1, PAP, CHAP autonegotiation[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\RIL] "SetGPRSAuthentication"=dword:00000000

H Herbert De Jong

on recent OEM35  there is a need to set these value's on two places. CHAP














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