Own application on CA50

// Expert user has replied.
T Thomas Frederiksen 3 years 10 months ago
4 4 0

I have a Partner who wants to run their own application on the CA50.

But they can’t remove the default menu. Any ideas who to do that?


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4 Replies

T Thomas Frederiksen

HiThe application is a C# / dot.net Whey want to use the CA50 as a remote scanner. Scanning to an application running on another device./Thomas

S Shekar Muniven

Currently C# / DotNet applications are not supported on CA50 device. However, one can have C / C++ applications on the device. There are couple of ways we can have the custom applications deployed and launched on the CA50 device. Following are the details: 1) Launch the custom application from the CA50 client menu  - Copy the custom application on to the device  - Provide a link in the profile files (XML files present on UCA server : C:\Prorgam Files\Motorola\UCA Server\Profiles\) so as to launch the custom application  - In this case both CA50 client as well as custom application can co-exist 2) Auto launch the custom application and not to have the CA50 client  - Copy the application on to the device  - Make the appropriate registry entry as shown below
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Motorola\UCAShell\UCAClient]     "Path"=" \\windows\\UCAClient.exe "

       Replace this with the required exe...


    Ex: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Motorola\UCAShell\UCAClient]     "Path"=" \\Application\\ScanApp.exe"


     Note: \Windows is a non persistent folder. So, place the file in the \Application folder and provide the same path here...  - With this, the custom application would get auto launched on boot up of the device. Pls let me know if you need any further info. - Shekar

V Victoria O'Connor

You can also place the application in \Application\Startup or copy it into \Windows\Startup and the shell will launch the app on boot.If you update the registry to boot the app, there is another registry change to make.  There is a key that checks for a server IP address before launching the app specified in the registry.  Here is the key:    "NoServerforClientLaunch"=dword:0            ; 0 - check Server IP before launching client appChange the value to a '1' if you do not need to have a server IP to launch the app as we do with the UCAClient.Let me know if you need any help with this,Tori

S Shekar Muniven

Hi Thomas, What kind of application is the Partner planning to run on CA50? Would that be a web application (html based) or a native  (C/C++) application? It is possible to run their own applications. Pls give more context as what kind of application the partner plans to run, so that we can give more relevant information. Regards, Shekar

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