MC75 - Slow File Transfers From SD Card to Pertsistent Store

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K Kenneth Ryan 3 years 9 months ago
2 5 0

1.  11:36 AM 10/15/2009 2.  3 Day 3.  MC75 4.  BSP 35 5.  1991932 I have Tom Erkens from Motorola asking for some explanation as to why the MC75 takes a comparatively long time in relation to other competitor devices to transfer files from the SD Card to the Persistent Storage Root? Tom had me run a test here where the MC75 takes 10 minutes to copy a 48 MB file from \Storage Card to \Program Files just using the File Explorer GUI Copy and Paste. They are running this against an Oneil CN4 which has WM 6.1 and takes significantly less time that 10 minutes. Customers test claims a file takes 3:22 minutes on the MC75 and 1:41 minutes on the CN4. Tom advises me that Tom Ballard from Compass Group is looking at ordering 2300 MC75 but this is a sticking point.

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5 Replies

K Kenneth Ryan

I advised Tom of the SPR number. At this point they are still asking the following question:  Why when I programatically copy the 50 MB file on the MC75 it takes 3:22 minutes and on the CN4 it takes 1:41 minutes? Code snippet for copy the file from the SD Card to the Root:


int WINAPI WinMain(

    HINSTANCE hInstance,

    HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,

    LPTSTR lpCmdLine,

    int nCmdShow)


    int start = GetTickCount(), end;

    TCHAR text[MAX_PATH];

    CopyFile(_T("\\Storage Card\\"), _T("\\"), FALSE);

    end = GetTickCount();

    _sntprintf(text, (sizeof(text) / sizeof(*text)) - 1, _T("%d"), end - start);

    MessageBox(GetForegroundWindow(), text, _T("HI"), MB_OK);


K Kenneth Ryan

Based on feedback from John,  I had the TA look into the the SD Card itself to isolate that and he advised me the SD Card in the CN4 is 2 x faster than the low end one they put into the MC75. I have them moving to try to get the same level of card with performance. And also rerun their tests using just a Persistent Store to Persistent Store test.

K Kenneth Ryan

As an interesting side note, if I open the file in Powerpoint and then Save As to Main Memory (which saves it to My Documents) it only takes 50 seconds to move it from the Storage Card to the My Documents directory.  Why is this different than File Explorer copy?

G George Dellaratta

See SPR 16720

K Kenneth Ryan

Thanks George for the info.

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