MC9090G fogging / frosting in Freezer environment

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M Marcus Kurath 3 years 9 months ago
3 4 0

I have a customer whose 9090G's are fogging up when used in a freezer environmet. These are standard units which do not have a heater. HAs anyone successfully found a way to prevent this.

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4 Replies

H Horst Anderlohr

I got several customers as well using the desiccant packs and it works well for them.

N Nikolaos Mastorakos

The condensation resistant models should do. We have been using such units in freezer  and deep-freezer environments for several months and no fogging/frosting problem has been reported ever since.

M Marcus Kurath

My customer found there was a hole (by design) in the bottom of the 9090G fabric holster. By covering this hole with duct tape, they resolved the issue. Apparantly the circulation of air through the holster hole was a big problem

J Jason Harbison

My customer uses the CR ver of the Gemini. The desiccant packs do a very good job of preventing the fogging. Keep in mind that temp swing and relative humidity are the real issue when it comes to fogging. If you have any other questions let me know. Jason

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