Hi Team... I have a customer who is unable to automatically download A-GPS updates to their MC35s due to firewall restrictions on their WWAN connection. As an alternative, they want to know if they can download the GPS info (to a PC for example) and use remote management to deploy the updates to their fleet. Is this possible? More to the point, has anyone done it? Thanks as always, -JP
Is it possible to manually gather and deploy A-GPS info?// Expert user has replied. |
1 Replies
Hi Jon, Yes this is possible.
Download the LTOfiles from http://gllto.glpals.com
http://gllto.glpals.com/ntp.txt copy to \Application Data\Global Locate\LtoManager\NtpList.txt"
http://gllto.glpals.com/7day/latest/lto.dat copy to \Application Data\GlobalLocate\Gpsct\lto.dat"
http://gllto.glpals.com/7day/latest/svstatus.txt copy to \Application Data\GlobalLocate\Gpsct\svstatus.txt"