MC75 EMEA Carrier Settings

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R Robert Caporino 3 years 9 months ago
2 1 0

I am looking for some feedback from my TA friends in EMEA.My customer has a world wide deployment of the MC75 for field service of wind mills.Recently they experienced an issue in Germany where the MC75 was dropping signal compared to their consumer grade personal cell phone at the same location.We were able to get them working by making some changes to the configuration. We used the  "showbands Phone Settings .reg" file to allow them to lock the device to the 900Mhz setting.


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Symbol\PhoneSettingsEx\HC25\Sys Stat]"Enable"=DWORD:1"RefreshRate"=DWORD:5

Thanks to Alexander Honigmann for assisting me with this.What i am looking for is any best practices/insight on settings for the following countries: Poland, Romania, Sweden, Norway and Finland. Customer will be deploying to these countries shortly.Thanks in advance for any and all feedback.Rob Caporino

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1 Replies

H Herbert De Jong

Hello Alex ,Rob,

Be carefull with the provided regkey to open up Bandsettings on MC75x6 with the additional Sysstat window as well.

this can have side effects as it logs every 5 secs AT command to the modem and can cause issue's.

If there is a need to open up Bandsettings do this with with following key:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Symbol\PhoneSettingsEx\HC25\Band Page]"Enable"=dword:00000001 ( by default there is no regkey )

This Regkey is 'dynamically" so when closing Phone Info GUI and then changing regkey the change will be reflected next time you open GUI.

To disable just delete this entry or set value to 0.

Be aware that locking Bandsettings to 800/1900 or something similar will survive a cleanboot so you can end up with devices unable to connect unless you are allowing bandsettings again on the device and set back to auto settings

But the preferred method is to limit to 2G networks only.

In this case you are also close to country borders and in our EMEA experience it is not recommended to lock to one band setting or a bandcombination because Preferred Roaming partners can be on a different Band Setting.

Especially in Rural area's like the Windmill sites it would be better just lock the device to 2G GSM networks only,

But better is to lock the device to 2G only with the 2G3G regkey so still using all four bands on GSM networks. ( 800 - 1900 - 850 and 1800 mhz )



This regkey change needs a warmboot to take effect so is not dynamically.

Also keep in mind that the various providers in the different countries all have different bandsettings and 2G 3G coverage

see here for a in depth coverage per country.

And see the attached MC75 HSDPA Techsheet attached as well.

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