"Page an Associate" from MK500, and install sites.

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J Jon Preedy 3 years 9 months ago
2 2 0

Hi everyone... I'm working with one of the major retailers here in Australia, and the CA50 is back in their sights. In particular, they like the idea of the "page an associate" application shown in the CA50 demo collateral, and given the numbers of MK500s they are deploying it makes logical sense. Has anyone actually deployed this anywhere? If so, where, and how much effort was involved in getting it working? Also, I'd like to start getting an idea as to who has a CA50 solution deployed and where, with a particular focus on grocery and big-box retail. I don't need "reference sites" just yet, but if I could drop names and numbers and give an idea as to how the solution was deployed it would go a long way. Thanks as always! -JP

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2 Replies

S Shekar Muniven

JP, There is a pilot going on in "Fesh and Easy" on the same lines. It is called Help request application. Pls find attached the document which has more details. Pls feel free to contact me if you need any more information. Hector ( Hector.Meza@motorola.com) is handling that account. Regards, Shekar

K Katharine Winter

Im working with a partner in the UK we have a couple of pilots going on with some retailers but they have written thier own bespoke app. feel free to contact me if you want any further information.


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