Display resolution change in MC3190

// Expert user has replied.
Y Yoav Gottreich 3 years 10 months ago
29 2 0

Customer is porting application from device with 3.5" to 3" display and comlain that everything is too small. Is it possible to change display resolution from the system?

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2 Replies

R Robert Galvin

I do not believe there is a way to change the resolution on the MC3100 - I suspect the problem to be that the applicaion was written to QVGA (320x240) and the MC3100 is 320x320. This may be contributing to the undesired effects.

K KAKD Jayasuriya

Change AutoScaleMode to DPI In Windows Forms In native C/C++ you can use following code to make ur application DPI aware UINT uiXScale, uiYScale;

uiXScale=GetDeviceCaps(hdc,LOGPIXELSX); uiYScale=GetDeviceCaps(hdc,LOGPIXELSY);

#define SCALEX96(x) (x*uiXScale/96) #define SCALEY96(y) (y*uiYScale/96) // Scale controls geometry and create control CreateWindow (L"BUTTON", TEXT("Display Text"),WS_CHILD|BS_3STATE ,SCALEX96(10), SCALEY96(10), SCALEX96(200), SCALEY96(20),hWnd,(HMENU) WM_COMMAND_WPARAM_LWORD, hInstance, NULL) ;

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