PMP320 is a Layer 3 Network!

B Bruce Collins 3 years 10 months ago
2 3 0

There continues to be some confusion about the PMP320 IP network architecture and how it is different than the traditional PMP products.  The PMP320 is a layer 3 network which means the AP acts as a router (not a bridge) and the SM acts as a NAT device (not a bridge).  Depending on the network topology and the goals of the application this is either good or bad.  The biggest change this has imposed on traditional PMP networks is that the PMP320 doesn't support VLAN tagging today. We are building a layer 2 / VLAN feature set for release later this year as part of the roadmap so customers will have the flexibility to do either Layer 2 or Layer 3 at that point. Please post any questions or comments you might have on this topic and we can kick off  discussions on how to address different network requirements with the PMP320. - Bruce

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3 Replies

B Bruce Collins

Dan Sullivan in the WiBB Solutions Architecture team put together an IP reference design paper that explains how IP addressing works with the PMP320.  This is posted along with other PMP320 information at: - Bruce

S Simon Staddon

Do we have a confirmed date for the Layer 2 Version of the Firmware?

B Bruce Collins

The Layer 2 transparent bridge mode is planned for release at the end of July.  Engineering lab testing starts at the end of May so we'll have more precision on field trials, etc. at that time. 

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