MC55 BTE Simaccess profile support ?

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H Herbert De Jong 3 years 10 months ago
2 4 0

case 2049894 01/12/2010 3 days MC55 OEM 35 BTExplorer 2.1.1 Build 26835 question is why under BTE Profiles the SIM Access is greyed out. and if we support this Remote Access SIM profile with BTE if not is changing to MS BT Stack a option to have SIM profile access.

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4 Replies

D David Meyer

Hi Herbert, I checked, and SIM Access Profile is not supported on any of our products using either stack. If a customer wants this, they should go through the GRIP or CPR process. Thanks, Dave

H Herbert De Jong

thnx dave.

D David Meyer

Was this different in a previous build?  Is so, what build was it different in?

H Herbert De Jong

Dave dont think it was ever different in older builds. but remember vaguely we dont support Sim Access support on Phone editions.

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