VC5090 - Support for Multiple HID Bluetooth Connections

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K Kenneth Ryan 3 years 10 months ago
2 4 0

1.  11:56 AM 1/12/2010 2.  3 Day 3.  VC5090 CE 5.0 BSP 35 4.  2049627 Does the BTExplorer program support multiple HID connections?  Customer is looking to connect up to 3-4 LS3578 via HID to VC5090. I would think not since VC5090 can only operate as a client connecting to a server, and server has to host the multiple connections, but I need confirmation.

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4 Replies

D David Meyer

Then my previous posting stands:  The best way to do this is to use SPP, not HID.  We do not believe HID on BTE provides this ability, but even if it does, it will have the problems I mentioned in my last posting. With SPP, the customer can write an application to take the different scanner's data (via different VCOM ports) and do whatever it needs to do with them.

K Kenneth Ryan

Thank you very much David.

D David Meyer

What is the goal of having multiple scanners?  Is it just to have multiple favorites, but only use one at a time, or to have multiple users scanning different items and all information passed back to the single VC5090? Even without knowing the possibility of connecting multiple HID keyboards (since the scanner using HID will look like a keyboard), the second option won't work as desired.  It would not be able to separate things that are being scanned around the same time.  For instance, user 1 scans ABCDEFG and user 2 scans 123456. The result could look like AB12C3DE456EFG. It may be more appropriate to use the scanners as SPP devices, and connect each scanner up via a different VCOM port.  Then the customer can write a serial based application to monitor the multiple com ports and somehow synchronize the data.

K Kenneth Ryan

They want multiple scanners connected at the same time.

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