Team, Customer wants to disable some applets from Start-Settings menu. For various reasons Appcenter is not an option. They were able to disable applets which are present in registry under HKLM\ControlPanel by setting "Group" value to anything but 0/1/2 (it controls what tab the applet should be placed e.g. Personal/System/Connections). What about other ones like Windows Update or GPS SetUp? What about Moto custom applets like TriggerSettings or USBconfig? These two and a couple of others are present in form of .cpl files only. On the "big" windows there is a way to do this using RestrictCpl or DisallowCpl keys in registry - seems it doesn't work on WM. Any ideas or experience? In particlular they're interested in disabling/removing Windows Update, Trigger settings, USBconfig, GPS Setup, Encryption. on MC75 WM6.1 BSP35.
How to hide selected control panel (settings) applets?// Expert user has replied. |
3 Replies
You should be able to disable some of the MS applets by using the following reg keys: This example is for the connections applet
Just put a string value named "Redirect" but leave the value empty. This won't remove the icon but it won't launch.
Thank you John. I think this is abetter way to handle this comparing to changing Group ID. Anyway - still no idea on what to do with applets which are not referenced under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel
Another way I used at one customer on WM5 MC70: Symscript with DELETEFILE "\Windows\Start Menu\Settings\*.*" SUBDIRS DELDIR