Does RFS7K be used as DNS proxy

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A Antony Lee 3 years 9 months ago
2 6 0

Do anyone know whether RFS7000 / 6000 be used as DNS proxy ? I would like to config the DHCP to assign DNS ip as if the switch's ip to all the mobile client and turn out the switch can pass the DNS query, on behalf of the client, to a real DNS server. Regards Antony

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6 Replies

S Sunalini Sankhavaram

Wi-NG v4.3 is tracking May-June 2010 release.

F Frank Barta

4.3 is not yet released.

M Mark Mann

I also checked our EWLD-Roadmap and I don't see an updated time line with 4.3 just Wing 5.0 for end of Q4 2009.

J James O'Brien

The feature you require is under 'ip' on the RFS4000: dns-server-forward  Enable Domain Name Service (DNS) Forwarding This enables a cache only dns proxy server on the rfs switch. It is in 4.3, I don't know when that will be available.

J James O'Brien

To make my reply a little clearer: dns-server-forwarding in in 4.1+ on the RFS4000, it is not on the RFS7000. You asked about the RFS7000, which has this feature in 4.3 -Jim

A Antony Lee

James, Thanks. I am running 4.1 firmware. BTW, does 4.3 official release ? I can only find 4.2 on ? Regards Antony

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