PTP100 Superlite Backhaul Upgrades

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J Jose Gomez 3 years 9 months ago
2 1 0

Hi, a customer is asking if a PTP100 Superlite @ 2Mbps can be ultimately upgraded to a BH20 applying all the necessary licenses or will it stop at BH10

SuperLite Backhaul Upgrade Keys

PTP 100 2 Mbps to 4 Mbps Upgrade Key (1 required per end)

PTP 100 4 Mbps to 10 Mbps Upgrade Key (1 required per end)

PTP100 10 to 20MB Upgrade Key 

PTP100 10 to 20MB Upgrade Key - Fixed License (One required for each end/radio)

Thanks & regards Enrique Gomez

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1 Replies

T Thomas Moder

Yes, the appropriate software licenses listed in your posting can be applied in an additive manner to bring the SuperLite Backhaul up to the full throughput! Keep in mind that the "10 Mbps" in the PTP description above refers to the signalling rate. this equates to 7 Mbps in actual throughput. Similarly the "20 Mbps" raw data rate equates to 14 Mbps in throughput. - Tom

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