How to install Net Compact Framework 3.5 in MK500 permanently?

Y Yorman Molina 3 years 9 months ago
3 1 0

I created an application based on .net compact framework 3.5, to implement everything works well, is presented to restart probrema scanner MK500 lost all the installation of .net cf. how do I install .NET Compact Framework in ROM on the device to stop this from happening? Sorry if this poorly written, is that I do not speak English, (it's a translation) Thanks for your help. Greetings, El_Yor

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1 Replies

G Gabor Szeles

Hi, You should create a .REG file in \Application folder containing the text below: # --- REG Begin [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Symbol\Startup\Programs\Prog1] "Name"="WceLoad.exe" "Command"="/noaskdest /delete 0 \Application\CF\NETCFv2.wce5.armv4i.CAB" "Continue"=dword:0 "ColdBootOnly"=dword:1 "Stop"=dword:0 "Delay"=dword:1 # --- REG End Of course you should copy the NET.CF cab file into the \Application\CF folder. Best regards, Gabor.

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