MC75 Serial ActiveSync fails after Cold Boot

// Expert user has replied.
A Anthony Ambler 3 years 9 months ago
3 3 0

1) Feb. 16th, 2010 2) 3 day 3) MC7596 4) BSP 35 5) 2074317 After a clean boot or OS reflash the MC7596 will activesync serially. Then if you cold boot the unit it will not serially activesync. You must clean boot the unit again to recover and allow it to serially activesync. Is this a known issue with any fix or workaround? If not I will open an SPR. Thanks for your help. Tony

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3 Replies

G Gene Niles

This sounds like there may be a .reg or .cpy file that may in the /application folder that is merged in on clean boot but does not take affect until after the first reboot. If you can reproduce this on a clean application folder than I would consider this an SPR (unless it was resolved in a later build or documented as known b ehavior ).

A Anthony Ambler

Hi Tom and Gene, Thanks for the quick replies. Tom, the reg key makes no difference. Also, in BSP 35 there is an applet to set the Trigger ON/OFF as well and this does not make any difference either. I'm leaning towards Gene's reasoning the more I test this issue. I also compared the registry between the working and non-working device states and there are a lot of changes but nothing specifically is popping out at me. The issue is easy to reproduce so I'll open an SPR. Thanks again for your quick help. Tony

T Tom Lewis

You may be seeing a leftover from something was was added to the MC70 a while ago.  on the MC70, the external pistol grip used one of the serial lines, and was enabled as an external trigger by default.  The MC75 may have the same issue.  To disable the external trigger (and thus enable the serial port) , try this registry setting. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symbol\ProgrammableKeys] EnablePistolGripTrigger=dword:00000000. Tom

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