GPRS: Credentials verification by provider

S Samuel Garcia Blanco 3 years 9 months ago
4 1 0

1) Feb. 19th, 2010 2) 2 day 3) MC5574 4) BSP 35 5) 2073385 We have several cases with different WM terminals where suddenly the GPRS connection is dropped and it will not work again until you reenter the password. In terminals like MC35 you will be never prompted to do so and you have to manually go to settings and reenter the password. In MC55 you will be asked by the OS in a prompt to reenter the credentials. According to Herbert, in previous cases it was advised by Hiro Haga that this is a combination of Microsoft bug and provider needing to verify credentials. Some TAs are asking for an official statement or more detailed information regarding this MS bug or why this is caused. Hope you can help here. Best Regards,

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1 Replies

S Samuel Garcia Blanco

Any feedback on this? A link to the mentioned Microsoft bug which on WM5 is not asking for re-authentication even if required by provider would be enough. We cannot find it. Thanks

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