Ability to support finger friendly support

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J John Thurmes 3 years 10 months ago
2 2 0

WM 6.5.3 is supposed to support finger gestures to allow the user to move the screen similar to consumer based devices, however I think there is also a hardware component in the physical display to support gestures. The MC75 should get a OS Maint upgrade sometime this year to WM6.5.3, will the MC75 actual display hardware support gestures, how about the MC75a?

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2 Replies

R Robert Galvin

Tom - I think he may be referring to the 'finger friendly' features like the soft buttons and pixel height in menu options. The MC75A will initially come out with WM 6.5.2 which does not include these features. WM 6.5.3 (which will be provided for the MC75A in a later maintenance release) does include 'finger friendly ui components'. We will cover this more on the next MCD-VT call:

Thu, Mar 4, 2010 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

T Thomas Cassar

I think you may be talking about multiple things. There is touch and multi-touch.  None of our products support mulit-touch. With WM6.5 on our devices you will be able to use single-finger "gestures" -- sliding your finger on the display to scroll through an item list, like file explorer. If you are referring to device movements that are interpreted as input, I think you mean our IST technology.  This requires an acceleromter in the device, which is only on MPA2.0 devices and above.

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