Reset default System Date

// Expert user has replied.
J Jon Preedy 3 years 10 months ago
2 2 0

Team... Wondering if anyone has re-set the default (ie, Cold Boot) date on an MC70 (WM2005).I have a customer who's usage profile regularly lets devices run completely flat. By the time they get recharged, RAM is gone and so is the system clock, meaning that they must reset the date for their database to work. They don't ask for perfection, but instead of having the default calendar date pop up for the year 2005, can we manipulate this at the registry level to be 2010? Cheers, -JP

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2 Replies

r roberto cottone

There is a script that will do that - saves the last known time every minute and restores on a cold/cleanboot.

T Tom Lewis

There are a couple of things that could be done.  An app could be written that detects the cold boot and sets the date to 2010,   The app could be even more clever and restore to last known date.  However the best thing would be to sync time to a time server or to the AP's (if the AP's support that).

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