Updated PMP320 Software Available

B Bruce Collins 3 years 10 months ago
2 6 0

A PMP320 software update was posted on the website late yesterday.  The release note is attached here.  This fixes several of the issues identified during the field trials including the low TCP throughput and the problem pulling IP addresses in low-power links.  A number of other items fixed as well and listed in the release note.  Strongly recommended that all units get updated.

Note: you may need to use a Canopy radio MAC address to get the software from the http://wirelessbroadbandsupport.com/software  site.  Hopefully the PMP320 MAC address ranges will be loaded later today.

-          Bruce

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6 Replies

V Vernon Tindell

My MACs don't work either.  Any reason we haven't put this on Compass in the RTM Stuff folder?  Until then, can someone give me a MAC address the will allow me to download the software? Vern

F Farruq Razi

Vern, I just sent you a MAC Address to download the SW. Also, I'll post the SW in the RTM Folder tomorrow morning. Farruq

S Sakid Ahmed

Please also make sure to carefully review the open issues list as there are some caveats with this release. This will ensure a smoother experience during trials/demos.

J John Mehling

Canopy Technical Support has posted PMP320 Software Release e1.0.1 on the Canopy website. http://motorola.wirelessbroadbandsupport.com/software/  
I have tested the new PMP320 MAC address ranges and they have been working without issues. -John

S Steven Hill

I am not having any luck with my MAC address. I have attempted all formats I can think of. 00268239b5a4 00:26:82:39:b5:a4 00-26-82-38-b5-a4 I get "This is not a valid Canopy or PTP ESN" Any help would be appreciated. Steve Hill

S Steven Hill

Any update as to when the MAC addresses will be posted and the software available for download? I'm in need of it ASAP. Thanks, Steve Hill

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