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K Kenneth Ryan 3 years 10 months ago
7 2 0

1.  3:03 PM 3/31/2010 2.  VC5090 3.  CE 5.0 BSP 35 4.  2106536 Sysco foods is upgrading all of their VC5090 devices from BSP 26 to BSP 35.  Their application was developed in C++ on PSDK for BSP 26.  They want to run their application on PSDK for BSP 26 on VC5090 upgrade to BSP 35.  The reason being that they are upgrading their devices in stages.  They are going to complete the BSP 35 upgrade of all devices and then retarget their app to PSDK for BSP 35. Their requirements require one app for source control purposes. Query:  Is it supported to run their app compiled on PSDK for BSP 26 on a VC5090 loaded with OS Version BSP 35?

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2 Replies

K Kenneth Ryan

Thank you George

G George Dellaratta

Without a complete list of APIs being used in SYSCO's application, there is no way to answer this question.  So, we have 2 choices... 1) Ask SYSCO for a complete list of all the APIs that they use from the SDK.  Then we can look at each one and determine if a change was made to any of them.  I expect this effort to take about 4 weeks. 2) Test the existing application on a BSP35 VC5090.  This effort should take about 4 hours. My recommendation is #2

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