Rugged Cabled Headset RCH50 feedback

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R Rakesh Bhatia 3 years 10 months ago
2 4 0


I am the product manager for the Rugged Cabled Headset (RCH50). I would like to get feedback from the field regarding the rugged headset. The feedback that I am looking for is as follows: 

1) Are customers trialing the headset?                If yes,                  -       Who is the customer?                  -      Which Mobile Computer are they using it with?                 -   How is the trial going?                 -   What is the probability the customer will buy the headset? 

              If not,                 -   Is there a specific reason (price, form, fit, lack of voice partner support etc.)?

2) Are customers liking the headset?            If yes                -   What features do they like?

           If no                -   What features they do not like?

3) Are you aware that the RCH50 supports ALL MCD PRODUCTS that accept a cabled headset, for ALL TYPES of voice applications?  If not, would you now have some accounts it would make sense to show it to? Thank you for your help and feedback. Rakesh Bhatia

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4 Replies

J Juliet Chon

Clayton - this is a perfect example of how partners have to tune their SW to the actual headset.  The sensitivities can all be set via registry setting provided in the VDP Integration Guide.  Syvox should be using the VDP IG to optimize everything for any particular headset, including the RCH50.  Does anyone know who the CAM or TA to Syvox is?  I'm sure Rakesh would like to reach out to them to make sure they get the VDP IG to Syvox and make sure they do the tuning.

R Rakesh Bhatia

Clayton, I believe Genesta(SyVox client) was using older cables leading to leak in audio packets from speakerphone to microphone. Did you have the latest and greatest version of the headset and cables when testing it?

r roberto cottone

Rakesh, We've been waiting to get RCH50 demo gear so a customer currently using the WT4090 with Vocollect can test it out.  The customer understands that the Vocollect software is not 'tuned' for the RCH50, but wants to test it out (they want to get away from the Vocollect headset).  The problem is that the Demo Depot hasn't had any RCH50's until recently.  They still don't have most of the cables.  I requested that the Depot put in an order for the following, but still haven't seen anything yet:
21-116368-01R  RCH50 adapter cable to MC9500

25-124387-01R  RCH50 adapter cable to standard 3-pole 2.5mm barrel jack used with MC70 / 75 , MC3090, MC9090, FR 6X

25-124412-01R  RCH50 adapter cable to WT4090 - long version (19")

25-129940-01R  RCH50 adapter cable to WT4090 - short version (4")

25-124411-01R  RCH50 adapter cable to MC3100

25-129938-01R  RCH50 training cable - Y Cable to connect two RCH50 headsets to one mobile computer

C Clayton Moore

Rakesh, I don't have any customers trialing the RCH50 headset.  But I had a partner send me a V.O.W. running a demo app from SyVox and a RCH50 attached.  When running this demo, it seemed that the microphone was a bit too sensitive.  The demo app would prompt me to say "1234" through the earpiece but the microphone would hear the "1234" prompt from the earpiece and answer in my behalf before I could speak.  The partner informed me of a SyVox command "Disable Barge-in" which helped significantly but not completely.  This was in a non-noisy environment with low volume set from the app. Clayton

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