MC7004 GPRS problems with Vodafone

M Michal Drabek 3 years 9 months ago
2 4 0

1) 4/7/2010 3:25PM

2) 3-day

3) MC70x4

4) WM5 RIL:

5) 2089952

customer is using MC70 to access corporate resources via GPRS. In the beginning the connection can be established and the mobile unit can communicate with the Websphere servers. After a while, they see decreasing application performance and timeouts, until at the end the device sometimes hangs itself.
Vodafone has also mesasured the line, and they couldn't observe any abnormalities.

NETLOG0.CAP shows TCP Duplicated ACK and TCP Out of order frames, TCP retransmissions, lost packets, etc. Is this a problem with our RIL? Could someone give an idea what can cause this behavior? Many thanks!

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4 Replies

M Michal Drabek

Many thanks for the tip, I asked customer to run eMscript, will see.

M Michal Drabek

I have looked at the memory map files from eMscript and dll crunch seem very likely to be the root cause. Thank you very much!

M Michal Drabek

Anyone has an idea what can be the propblem? Thank you

K Kenneth Ryan

I would respectfully suggest a deployment of EMScript might be in order.  WM 5.0 is prone to dll crunch, this may be the case.

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