DLL crunch - how to tell

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G Glenn Sayer 3 years 10 months ago
5 4 0

I have a customer that is reporting device lockups and loss of memory.  I'm wondering if they are having a DLL crunch issue.  How do I tell if it is a DLL crunch issue? Or is there another reason why they are loosing memory, not getting used but loosing it?

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4 Replies

r roberto cottone

I was the author of one of the Dll Crunch white papers.  To obtain the necessary tools, go to the ECRT Public Compass site at http://compass.mot.com/go/ecsg-home.  Under Diagnostic Tools, you'll find CESnapShot and the official copy of EMScript.  These tools that can be used to confirm Dll Crunch. There is also a white paper called DllCrunch.doc under Documents on the ECRT site at http://compass.mot.com/go/ecrtwhitepapers.  Generally, DllCrunch is only a problem on Windows CE 5.0 and earlier OS's.  It's highly unlikely that WM 6.1 will exhibit this problem since the memory architecture was improved for that release. I would use EMScript or Remote Performance Monitor (Microsoft Development Tool) to monitor memory usage over time.  If you see memory usage growing over time, then it's probably not a Dll Crunch problem.  It's most likely an application issue with memory not being freed or handles not being released.

G Gene Niles

you can also take a look at some of the virtual memory presentations in the docs area at http://compass.mot.com/go/ecsg-home for futher insight on the WM improvements

r roberto cottone

Hello Glenn ECRT have several tools that will help you with this - reach out to Gene Niles Team.

H Hemamalini Subramanian

Emscript is one of the tools, that can be used to find out whether a DLL crunch is happening or not.

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