Builder_Create Package

// Expert user has replied.
B Brad McDonald 3 years 9 months ago
2 3 0

Hello, Is there better or explicit instructions on how to use the Create Package in MSP 3.3?  If there is I must be looking in the wrong place.  Please show me. Thanks Brad

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3 Replies

B Brad McDonald

Hi, It would be nice to have an explaination of the file templates. Thanks Brad

A Allan Herrod

Yes, I agree. I have requested that the next version of MSP include explanations of what each template is for and when/how they would be used most beneficially.

A Allan Herrod

Have you tried the on-line help. Its not perfect, but in general, any explanation on "how to fill in" any MSP screen is covered in the on-line help, to the degree that it is covered. If you find that there is missing information or something is not explained "well enough", please feel free to make constructive suggestions.

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