MSP and Device Phone Number

// Expert user has replied.
B Brad McDonald 3 years 10 months ago
3 2 0

Hello, We have had a few MC75's change their Sprint PCS phone number for various reasons.  What event will update MSP We have attempted to change the value in the registry, but it appears to be readonly.  Is there a function or utility to write that value? Thanks Brad

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2 Replies

B Brad McDonald

Allan, Thanks for the explaination.  I kinda understand now.  I was able to get the full phone number to populate in MSP by executing the \Windows\IOTAThinClient.exe. The MC75 did indeed need a reboot, but the value was written successfully to: HKLM\SOFTWARE\MSP\Attributes\Phone\Number Brad

A Allan Herrod

The GetAdapters Control Module must be used in order for the Phone Number to be read and reported to MSP.  When that is used, each time the MSP Agent goes through a check-in cycle, the GetAdaters Control Module will re-query the device Phone Number and report whatever the OS API returns.  So, if you are using the GetAdapters Control Module on the device and the devce Phone Number changes, it should change on MSP.

Be aware, however,  that the GetAdapters Control Module is at the mercy of the OS and the Carrier in how the device Phone Number is handled.  The OS API that returns the Phone Number can do so ONLY if the Carrier has properly supplied the Phone Number for storage by the OS.  We have found a lot of variabilty in how various Carriers handle this.  For some Carriers, the Phone Number is NEVER properly stored and hence is NEVER returned by the OS API.  If the Phone Number was originally returned correctly, then the Carrier must have been doing it right, at least partially.  But if the Phone Number is not reported by the OS API after it has changed, then perhaps the Carrier is not updating it correctly.  You might see what happens following various reboots to see if this causes the Carrier to refresh the value.

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