RFS6000 auto config

D David Strahand 3 years 10 months ago
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Hi Has anyone had involvment with a customer transitioning from a WS5100 V2 architecture to RFS6000 or WiNG WS5100, using auto config via the command file option with V2 and DHCP scope options to pull a config file from a TFTP server. Have a customer that has had to do this due to EOS of WS5100, and we have 2 issues. Firstly with the method of auto config being restricted to vendor option 43 with embedded options and requiring the exact firmware file name to be the syntax for kicking off the auto config process (for example V4.2.0.0-024R). The issue this causes is if a RFS is deployed that does not have that specific version of firmware the auto config does not start, so not a real out of box auto config anymore! Secondly the customer needs to encrypt the config file that will be distributed on FTP servers across the stores (using “service password secret 2 XXXXX” command) due to internal security protocols. However when this encrypted file is then used on another RFS the TKIP passphrases that have been encryted on the config file do not match and the MU's will not connect, it seems the Hashing of the encrption keys is directly related to the hardware it is created on. Anyone got answers as to how we can do this differently and get the same results we currently get with the V2 WS5100 install? or if I'm missing something let me know what it is. Cheers Dave

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