SQL Database Install Scripts?

// Expert user has replied.
T Timothy Broadway 3 years 10 months ago
4 1 0

My customer is planning on a 3.2.1 to 3.3 upgrade; as well as a migration from a single box SQL Express solution to a seperate SQL server two box solution. They are requesting the actual scripts for the database install. While that would not be possible, do we at least have the information available as to exactly what gets installed, how it gets created, and the mechanism we use to make sure the database remains optimized. We have some great manuals now, but can't find information on this aspect of MSP.

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1 Replies

A Arsen Bandurian

Hi, Tim. Look at the files in \PreReqs\SQLBatchFiles directory on MSP install CD. This is as much as you can get. MSP database schema is closed so developers can change things inside freely without worrying that some user-developed tools will stop functioning (Think Apple approach).

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