Reading EAN13 displayed on Mobile Phones

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E Erick Rondin 3 years 10 months ago
2 2 0

Hi, I tried to read an EAN13 barcode displayed on a mobile phone screen using DS6708 and MT2070 (Imager version) without success. I know Datalogic has this feature available on their 1D scanners and using this feature to demonstrate our weakness on customer sites. I have to demonstrate it works with our imager, is there any requirements to make it works on DS or MT range ? Thanks for your lights

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2 Replies

M Malcolm Flood

Not sure if it has been released yet, but there is specific scanner firmware to enable barcodes to be read from phone turns the illumination on and off very fast to limit the reflection. It was planned fo the MK500 and MK4000, DS 9808 and DS67xx ranges. Try Ron Ethe the imager PM for release info...or I have seen it work with an MK500 and a DS9808 strait out of the box scanning barcode from my Milestone phone.

A Andy Doorty

Hi Erick, Not sure on the DS6708 and MT2000 but I have demo code for DS6707. Will send by email. Andy

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