WT4090 - 5-6 Second Delay In Printing Using Printing API

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K Kenneth Ryan 3 years 10 months ago
2 2 0

1.  5/19/2010 11:19 AM 2.  3 Day 3.  WT4090 4.  BSP 35 5.  2139694 Customer is printing via Bluetooth from WT4090 to Zebra QL320+.  They are using the C# Symbol.Printing API. They notice a 5 to 6 second delay between actually intiating the print via the API and getting the printout of the lable. I can reproduce this here using the out of box CS_PrintSample1. I did notice that Serial Loop Test only takes about 1 to 2 seconds to print. They are comparing this to a WIndows PC printing to Zebra QL320+, which is almost instantaneous. Question:  Is this 5 to 6 second delay considered acceptable?  Is this just as designed or worthy of an SPR to investigate?

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2 Replies

G George Dellaratta

Clearly, if you're asking the question, then someone believes that this isn't acceptable. If you can reproduce this behavior with the printing sample on a brand new terminal, then "yes" open an SPR.

K Kenneth Ryan

Thank you George.

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