Trouble reading barcode

A Arsen Bandurian 3 years 10 months ago
7 2 0

Hi, we're having issue reading the vertical barcode on the attached picture. Could anyone plz help determining why and what could we do?

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2 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hi Arsen, set the min lenght to 0 and the max lenght to 0.....min 0 max 0,with that you will be able to read all the lenght. Ciao

r roberto cottone

This is Interleave 2 of 5. I'm able to read it with my MC75 imager. Check max/min barcode length settings. We have a very good feature of ours when in Datawedge by default at least for I2of5 the min length is set to 14 and max length is set to 10 (max is less than min) which effectively prevents I2of5 decoding :) Regards, Valery

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