Hi all My customer is using a home made application with a WT4090 and a wired ring scanner. He wants to port its application to a WT4090 linked in BT to a RS507. The question is how to achieve the same level of service as with a wired device? To do that we need a similar process as the one that exists with Wavelink, that is each time the BT session is broken the existing pairing application pops up to relaunch the connection. Who has done a similar thing (something like a process that monitors the BT link and automatically relaunches the connection process)? Any advise or sample code or application is more than welcomed. Regards Philippe
RS507/WT4090 relaunch pairing immediatly when the pairing session is broken |
2 Replies
Hi Philippe, I think that the EMDK could be help you.Some documentation are available on the web for customize your application,see the attachment. Bye
do not know does it help, but RS507 will try to reconnect automatically when connection broken.