WM6.1 on MC75A rumours...

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J Jon Preedy 3 years 10 months ago
1 5 0

Hi All... A partner emailed me this morning asking me what I knew about our investigations to release a version of WM6.1 on the MC75A. I replied that as far as I was aware, there is no such undertaking... but I'm hoping the community can confirm or deny this for me. If we are looking into this as a company, who is the person to register interest against? This will significantly affect how we are approaching a good number of opportunities here... if indeed it is actually happening. Many thanks! -JP

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5 Replies

r roberto cottone

What the partner might have heard about was a plan to release a MC75A QVGA WM6.5.2 build in the June/July time frame (aimed at health care).  This will not work on the newer Pentile display units that are coming out in October though.  Vidur Datt told us about this on a recent call.

T Thomas Cassar

Here are the extent of differences between Windows Embedded Handheld ("WEH") 6.5 and the last release of Windows Mobile 6.5.3.x: 1) New Microsoft splash screen on boot-up saying Windows Embedded Handheld instead of Windows Mobile. 2) On the Microsoft About applet, Windows Embedded Handheld instead of Windows Mobile. 3) New background theme color on the home screen (options in settings to revert back to the prior Windows Mobile theme color)

T Thomas Cassar

We are working on the next OS release for MC75A now and it is Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5, not WM6.1.

H Hunter Bradshaw

Tom, will Windows Embedded HH6.5 still be based on the CE5.x kernel or will it CE6? regards, Daniel

R Raghunandan Nagaraja Rao

It is still based on CE5.x kernel

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