Securing the source code

T Todd Crook 3 years 10 months ago
4 1 0

How would you secure the Html5 & JavaScripts from being accessible? Anyone can take a device, put it into a dock, connect it to a computer via USB and lift the source code. Unlike iOS Xcode and Android apk files which are compiled, HTML5 and JavaScripts are clear text and proprietary back end server interfaces can be exposed such as Auto Logon, machine-2-machine connectivity, proprietary algorithms. My executives are concerned about this exposure due to the apparent minimal tech expertise needed to gain access to a devices file system.

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hi, Unfortunately release 1.0 and the current beta does not offer a solution for securing your source code however release 2.0 which we talked about during the Beta training will offer a solution to this problem.

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