Bluetooth Explorer "Unable to Connect to remote service"

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A Anthony Ambler 3 years 10 months ago
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Date: 6/28/2011 Device: MC3090 OS: CE5.0 BSP35 Case# 2406025 From the TA: The problem is not easy to reproduce. Because this problem should be already solved in EPIC 30866 it might be worth to check back with engineering whether there is a chance that this problem still exists. I have not found any indication within the release notes of BT Explorer about solving the problem "Unable to Connect to remote service".   This should already been solved in version  We cannot easily rollout the new BT Explorer on 20,000 devices not being sure if the problem is solved using the new version.   Therefore please get in conatct with engineering and let me know the a reason why this should work now with the latest BT Explorer and let me know as well why the problem still exists in version 2.11.26932 even though the release notes are telling that this problem should be fixed? Additional questions from the TA:
(1) Is it possible to install the old Stonestreet from BSP 26 onto BSP 35?

(2) If (1) is not possible, how can we stop and start all BT Services to recover the BT Stack without booting the device?

(3) Because the problem cannot be reproduced in lab conditions, we need to know what tool we can use for troubleshooting? I expect that in this case eMScript will not help much, so I guess it will be necessary to do logging of the BT activities. Please provide the necessary tools to us.
I appreciate any help answering these questions as this is for a large customer. Thanks, Tony

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2 Replies

D David Meyer

The EPIC referenced below was specific to getting that message when disconnecting a bt headset via the headset button.  I don't know if the fix is applicable to whatever reason the customer here is doing. As far as the questions:
(1) Is it possible to install the old Stonestreet from BSP 26 onto BSP 35?

It may be possible, but it would never have been tested before.  Since they are both CE 5.0, I would not expect issues, but it is not recommended, so do this at your own risk. (2) If (1) is not possible, how can we stop and start all BT Services to recover the BT Stack without booting the device? It is not possible to restart the BT stack without rebooting the device.  A reboot is required.

(3) Because the problem cannot be reproduced in lab conditions, we need to know what tool we can use for troubleshooting? I expect that in this case eMScript will not help much, so I guess it will be necessary to do logging of the BT activities. Please provide the necessary tools to us.
Unfortunately there isn't really any built in debugging that will help for something like this in the field.  There are some debug cabilities in the stone street stack to take internal BT traces which may or may not catch something here, but if it is very intermittent, I wouldn't recommend using this in the field, as it will slow down the system.  If there is some reproducable issue, we should try and get full information to customer support.

A Anthony Ambler

Thanks Dave!

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