MC3190 CE6 SPB/IE Drop down menu navigation with keypad

M Michal Drabek 3 years 8 months ago
3 0 0

1) Time/Date 07/20/2011

2) Response time 1 day

3) Product MC3190

4) OS Version CE6 BSP26

5) Clarify Case # 2415786 Customer is trying to navigate through drop down menu on a web page using TAB and arrow keys. In SPB3.0.7 and IE on the 3190 this is not working a drop down menu is not activated when the cusrsor is moved to it (color does not change to blue) and items cannot be chosen with the arrow down or up keys. This works fine in MC3090 CE5.0 and SPB3.0.7. It is related to IE in the terminal.   is there a solution? Google does not seem to know it :)

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